1. Find your fashion inspo. Get an idea of how you want to be represented and your personal taste. Collate references of looks you like through Pinterest (your own online scrapbook). You will soon start to compile a collection of looks you like. You can also take photos of looks from magazines and save photos of your style icons on instagram. This will give you a reference point for your fashion ideas and inspiration. Your style should reflect who you are or who you aspire to be.
2. Get rid of the old. You will need to have a ruthless clear-out. Get rid of old clothes that you no longer wear and that no longer reflect your individual style. Ask yourself if the dream version of your self would wear this. If the answer is no, you gotta let it go. When you are having a clear-out, dedicate a day to trying things on. See what works and make sure you are not holding on to things that you shouldn't (donate them to charity).
3. Work with what you've got. Look at what you've got and see if you can work it into your refined style. Discover what you love in your wardrobe - this will give you a great outline of the kinds of things you would like to purchase in the future. Also, You will be able to find what's missing in your wardrobe. If there is a gap in your wardrobe, go out and buy the fashion necessities that fit your style. Remember to balance classic vs. trend!