When travelling inter-state or overseas, packing some must-haves in your carry-on can drastically improve your overall flight experience and set you up for a great trip!

1. A sleep kit. Especially on a long haul flight, sleep is crucial. It is important to pack the following to ensure that you wake up feeling fresh and revitalised...
- silk pillowcase
- eye mask
- noise-cancelling headphones
2. A water bottle. On long flights, we often forget to drink water and can become very dehydrated. Packing a water bottle in your carry-on is a great idea to ensure you remain hydrated throughout the duration of the flight.
3. Snacks. Let's be honest - plain food sucks and can be super expensive! If you have time to bring some snacks to keep you occupied on the flight such as muesli bars, chocolate, nuts and tea, this will be a life-saver.
4. Devices. Don't forget to bring your tablet, phone or laptop on the flight! These are sure to save you some boredom and keep you entertained. Download some episodes of your favourite Netflix series and the time will literally fly by.
5. Essential toiletries. The air on flights is very dry so it is important to keep your skin glowy and fresh. I love to pack a mini facial spray, and some make-up wipes. Other essential toiletries include:
- tissues
- hand sanitiser
- hand cream
- deodorant
- gum
- lip balm
- mini hairbrush or comb
6. A good book. Flights provide the perfect opportunity to dive right into a good book. They can keep you entertained for hours and you have plenty of time to finally get some reading in.
7. Cozy socks. It is so important to feel comfortable on a flight and I think packing a pair of warm, fuzzy socks can really help you feel at home.